SIR - I have just received the Community Pride issue dated November 6, 2007, with the headline "Putting the heart back into Bingley".

To say I was disappointed is a huge understatement. The proposed Myrtle Walk shopping centre is what can only be described as a hideous homage to the Battenberg cake.

People do not want or need more flats as they are unable to sell the existing ones, some of which are only a few hundred feet from this proposed development.

What most people would like is a shopping centre in keeping with the "heart" of Bingley but with a modern slant. Did the same people that designed the Crossley Wood flats and Bradford and Bingley's HQ also have a hand in this, or have they just used these buildings as their template?

It needs to be stylish and chic, not brash and garish, and whatever happened to the much-vaunted supermarket?

Jeremy Hayhurst, Birchlands Avenue, Wilsden