SIR - A famous fashion model who once said she did not get out of bed for less than $10,000 now says she'll only work for euros.

More recently a famous rap musician says he wants paying in euros now. Saddam's Iraq threatened to sell its oil in euros, giving the dictators in Washington and London a second reason for their illegal invasion.

Around 60 years ago the Americans stitched up Britain to ensure the dollar replaced the pound as the world's reserve currency. Shortly after, US tourists started strutting the world flashing their almighty dollar. Well now destiny has decreed that the euro is to replace the dollar as the world's reserve.

Older readers may remember a popular song painting the true picture of the 1940s, Working for the Yankee Dollar!

Well soon eurozone tourists will be holding the world's currency and eurozone countries will start to gain much greater power and influence. Such a pity the British are too tiny-minded, xenophobic and stupid to enjoy the fruits of the future.

Eric Firth, Wellington Street, Wilsden