SIR - Speaking as an Englishman, I find D S Boyes's criticisms of devolution and the "unfair" way the Scottish Executive provides the Scots with some free services a bit rich! (T&A, November 5).

I presume he was trying to say England paid proportionally more of national tax in the union. This is partly the result of Government and associated services being based in London - even the "Scottish" office!

The UK has benefited hugely from Scottish North Sea oil revenue, keeping the country afloat financially since the late Seventies. It would have done so much more for the small Scottish population.

Ironically, this particularly benefited the Thatcher and subsequent Tory administrations, despite the dearth of Scottish Tory MPs. And how did the Tories promote the union? By using the Scots as guinea pigs for the detested poll tax!

As for "one country" and "one Government at Westminster" the whole country suffers from over-centralisation of power. Let Westminster deal with the biggest issues and devolve all else down to the lowest possible unit.

Let the people be involved in governing themselves. Even the new Tory leader has been, belatedly espousing this principle!

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon