SIR - We had to renew our TV licence recently and found that our local post office here in Wilsden cannot take payment.

Post Office Services Ltd wants us to pay online or pay at our local Co-op which is now classed as a pay point.

I have a computer and have broadband and could quite easily pay online but I refuse to be dictated to in this way and I am furious that my local post office has been blocked from dealing with TV licences and other services.

No wonder Post Office Services want to close local post offices as they have been systematically robbed of all the services they used to provide.

And let's not forget, this has come about by this Labour Government legislating for the removal of many services and so they can make the statement that: "It is necessary to close your local post office because it is not being used!"

I congratulate Philip Davies, MP for Shipley, for championing this worthy cause to stop the closures.

Once again we are being totally ignored by a Government which thinks it knows better and continually covers up bad news.

Tony Caunt, Birchlands Grove, Wilsden