SIR - First Bus has changed the route in Ravenscliffe and Greengates again. They have withdrawn the 646, replacing it with what they call 'an enhanced frequency' on the 645.

First Bus says the service is to be re-routed in Ravenscliffe and Greengates so all journeys serve Ravenscliffe in both directions. In practise this means a one-way loop will operate.

The new route passing through a school zone and a children's play area, will run every ten minutes and, once again, we lose buses to the hospital.

The hospital has one bus and if Ravenscliffe or Greengates residents need to use this hospital they face a long walk or catching more than one bus, and this is the local 'community hospital'.

Although First Bus say local people have been consulted and are happy with the proposal, many have contacted me who are unhappy.

I have arranged with Bradford Council, Metro and First Bus for another consultation meeting, but again it's after the event and the new service is already running.

It took Metro nearly two years to reconnect Apperley Bridge with the shops and hospital at Greengates. How long will it take to sort out this time?

Coun Ann Wallace (Lib-Dem, Eccleshill) City Hall, Bradford