SIR - How lucky the ratepayers in Manningham are in getting a massive makeover of their library out of a lottery windfall of £1.5m.

I hope not all this money will be spent on one library. Will any of this windfall be allocated to Wrose library simply to keep it open?

We are still in limbo and need to know that our library will be available, not just until December but next year and thereafter.

In the few hours it is open it is used by the local community from children to older residents as in Manningham.

At last the library service has realised the mobile library has been a waste of time and money for the area and has finally stopped sending it to the Shipley end of Wrose every Monday.

I wonder what this futile exercise has cost - at least six months of visits with very few customers. This money could have been used to fund the permanent library.

The library users in Wrose are hopeful of a favourable outcome - after all we pay our rates in the hope that this service will be available for the foreseeable future.

Mrs M Sutton, Wrose Road, Wrose