SIR - This writer recently observed the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond, announcing the “end of austerity” at the 2018 Conservative Party Conference, as he outlined further policies designed to tinker around with the “this, that and the other” of financial affairs of State. Popping into his local convenience store since that day, this writer also noticed that the price of one small to medium sized onion was £0.25.

Perhaps the Chancellor, or any of this writer’s local Members of Parliament, irrespective of political affiliation, whose silence on the matter is palpable, might explain to unemployed persons on the Jobseeker’s Allowance of £73.10 per week how these policies might trickle down to them? Or is the Chancellor not counting on the “underclasses” to vote Conservative at the next General Election?

A Waterhouse, Barmby Road, Bradford