SIR - So, on and on it goes. Travellers have now moved onto fields in Peel Park (T&A, September 7), the third field occupied in less than a month.

This scourge on our community has to be better dealt with, and one despairs at the comments of some local councillors.

Cllr Michael Stelling (Independent, Bolton & Undercliffe) stated that he likes the travelling community "because they have a lot to offer", whilst Cllr David Ward (LibDem, Bolton & Undercliffe) said that "hopefully they will leave the site as they found it."

Many would dispute that they have "a lot to offer", and instead consider them an anti-social nuisance with no consideration for the settled community.

Further, to say that they will hopefully leave the site as they found it would imply that Cllr Ward is out of touch. When have travellers ever done that?

One also wonders just how much council tax and income tax these people ever pay, if any?

How much longer do we have to wait for our laws to be updated so these undesirables, who cost ratepayers substantial sums, can be removed as soon as they appear, and be charged full costs of their trespass?

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon