SIR - Can the Government be trusted to put a high enough priority on our environment? What with their enthusiasm for fracking and toleration of high levels of air pollution in our country over many years, many might answer, "Not really!" Yet, only a few months ago, Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, promised, (after Brexit), "a world-leading body to give the environment a voice and hold the powerful to account."

Presently, EU institutions enforce rules on air quality, climate change, energy use, water pollution, chemicals and wildlife. The Government want to replace all this with an environmental watchdog, but, at the moment there is real doubt over whether it will have the power to ENFORCE its environmental law. For, the Government is currently proposing, when a government body or a corporation breaches these laws, all they'll get is...a sternly-worded letter!

Theresa May once pledged, "Brexit will NOT mean a lowering of environmental standards." But, with no penalties to back up a law, doesn't it become merely advice, to be ignored with impunity? Certainly, this watchdog at the moment looks a bit toothless!

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose