SIR - Regarding responses to David Hornsby and Colin Durkin’s letters, (T&A letters, April 14. The “normally silent majority” and “normal readers” , whatever normal possibly means.

Is it the fault of the letter writers if two of their letters have been printed on the same day? And what is strange about Mr Hornsby’s choice of subjects? Politics and environmental issues, very strange indeed for a letters column.

There’s an obvious Brexit and Anti-Corbyn component contributing to such responses. Being of a point of view that’s neither passionately Pro-Brexit nor Pro-remain, isn’t there room for differences of opinion?

Wouldn't it be boring if this letters column was an echo chamber exclusively to please the ‘blue-kip’ demographic? You already have the majority representation of national print media if that’s your pleasure Messrs Lorriman, D’Arcy and Watson.

This was a classic example of left-leaning writers presenting mature, factual debate whilst the Pro-government response is derogatory remarks lacking a constructive argument to debunk the letters that they object to so much.

George Hitchcock, Southlands, Baildon