SIR - I am writing to say a big thank you to all your readers who took part in this year's Fruity Friday campaign on May 25.

We have not yet got the final results, but it is already clear this year's Fruity Friday has been the most successful ever.

This success is down to all the individuals, organisations and schools who put on some great fundraising events. We are so grateful because the funds raised will go towards our vital research and education programmes.

But Fruity Friday is not just about the money we raise. It also gives us the chance to raise awareness about the importance of eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day in a fun way.

After all, we can all reduce our risk of developing cancer by 30 and 40 per cent by eating healthily, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.

Hopefully this year's Fruity Friday will have been the spark for people in your area to make small lifestyle changes that can make a big difference in the long run.

Teresa Nightingale, Head of Fundraising, World Cancer Research Fund, Harley Street, London