SIR – I’m pleased that Alec Suchi (Letters, May 15) acknowledges the dignified manner in which Ed Milliband conducted himself throughout the General Election, as he did in the 5 years that he was leader of Labour.

He managed this despite the personal smear attacks and untruths on him by his political opponents.

The latest nonsense is from Alan Chapman (Letters, May 15) and his ridiculous and unfounded claim that Len McCluskey picks Labour Party leaders, which he doesn’t.

There will be plenty of chances over the next 4 months for all Labour members to meet and speak to the five prospective candidates and listen to what they have to offer in moving the Labour party forward, instead of the divide and rule approach of the Tories, which is bitter and twisted with hatred.

John Appleyard, Firthcliffe Parade, Liversedge