SIR – To my dismay, it looks like the Labour Party and any other viable opposition parties have descended into chaos and in-house squabbling following the election.

What everyone needs to realise is that first and foremost, the task for these organisations is now to offer viable and constructive opposition to the ruling party and this must take priority over their ambitions and in-house leadership battles, which should be a side issue, carried out internally and with little publicity.

In order for any government to be held accountable for its policies, there must be a responsible debate over all decisions taken to ensure that the interests of us, the general public, are taken into account.

Regardless of political persuasion, it is the duty of all political parties to ensure that they scrutinise all government policies and to ensure that just because they have a small majority, they are not allowed carte blanche on decision-making.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford