SIR – In my (not inconsiderable) living memory, I cannot recall a UK leader utter a more inflammatory, discriminatory, coat-trailing statement than did David Cameron last week.

He said: “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.” By implication, being a law-abiding citizen will not save any of us from the intrusive surveillance state he is obviously planning.

Of course Cameron, far from being “passive”, has quite “actively” ignored the outright criminal behaviour of the City of London, who have stolen many trillions from individuals worldwide with their most recently exposed frauds, namely the Libor rate fixing, the Foreign Exchange rate fixing, and the twice daily gold price fixing.

To date, not one of those perpetrators has faced any criminal scrutiny whatsoever.

So it seems clear that the definitions of “illegal activity” will, in future, be decided by government alone. And presumably, they will take whatever steps they choose to establish who is for and who is against them. The thin end of a very, very large wedge I fear. I will write again from prison.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford