Debate that descends into a political diatribe SIR - With more than one contribution to T&A Letters, the writer may be responsible for the wrath of your correspondent, Dennis Moran, who wants the “self-ego chorus” to cease with the “same tired old rubbish” for “12 months and give other people a chance” (Letters, February 25).

An avid reader of Leader articles and opinion pages in the press, my introduction to such a filthy, disgusting habit was when, like him, I felt I had to challenge what I perceived as the same old crews with the same old mantras, distinguished on party political, alma mater, residential status and social mobility aspirational lines, spouting (what I considered) drivel on subjects multifarious.

Compare how the Question Time programme, billed as “lively debate”, has morphed into a dreadful pre-planned party political yawnfest, steered by well known, opinionated aspirants and social climbers, occasionally given CPR by free thinkers such as George Galloway (generally treated disgracefully).

Why not a panel of six persons picked at random?

So Dennis, either join us in the pub and demolish the arguments of the pettifoggers, popinjays and petulant political preeners among the T&A narcissists or, alternatively, skip the Letters pages altogether.

A Waterhouse, Barmby Road, Bradford