SIR - Sincerest apologies to Ian Parsons, (Letters, February 21). I seem to have misled him on my views on socialism, but first let me correct one point: Lib-Dems allowed the Tories to form an administration as Labour would not support our preference for an all-party administration.

They wanted power to themselves, and would not work with the Tories: Fact. Thereafter we voted independently on the merits of arguments. At times Labour supported the Tories against us!

To correct another point: I never said that Labour spending on schools and hospitals caused the crash. That merely added to debt and an ongoing high cost of private finance used to build some of them. Poor regulation merely meant that we suffered far more than necessary when the USA got caught out.

Fact is: I love socialism! It’s a great ideal – all working for the common good according to their abilities. Trouble is, it is impractical and will always be highjacked by those who are more equal than others. Also its apologists seem to leave any sense of reality and truth behind in making political points. Not something I could accuse Mr Parsons of, quite clearly!

John Hall (ex-Councillor), Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon