SIR – While the wealthy and influential communities easily fight off any housing development in their locality with judicial reviews and the ever-popular mantra of build on brownfield sites not ours, developers have taken note.

There are now proposals to build more low-cost properties just where they were told to, on the brownfield sites of central Bradford.

Bradford Council is unhappy with this situation, saying that the development will be low cost, single person type or studio flats that will not create communities (T&A, February 15).

A hint of future slums?

Small inexpensive properties are ideal for single people and those wanting a low-income start on the housing ladder even if it is on a brownfield site.

Are not inexpensive, small, new properties better than sleeping in a doorway or living in a card board box?

A home is what you make it.

R J Lacey, Wrose Road, Bradford