SIR - Thanks for your recent coverage of child care in Bradford which must be of concern to many people in Bradford, even if theirs have grown up. We would not like to think a Rotherham exists here I’m sure.

I am though somewhat concerned that the level of ‘good’ that social services seem to be happy with is, according to Ofsted a level that “needs improving”. Surely much more can be done than this. No doubt this inspection was also done with all the ‘cutlery and table cloths’ at their best?

Also as in Rotherham and Baby P, Ofsted seem to be, can I say “a bit lacking in their efficiency”. Not a great deal said about infant care either. Give me the child to five, and I will give you the person. Also the word ‘meetings’ seem to be used a lot. Maybe less meetings and more action? If we do not do our utmost (and more) how much more better are we than the monsters who prey on their innocence?

Please child care – better than ‘good’.

Brian Killick, Lily Croft, Bradford