Time to make politics publicly funded SIR - I have come to the conclusion that politics has become far too money orientated. (At the risk of stating the obvious).

Politicians from all parties are more and more, career politicians rather than being in it to make a difference.

It is far too easy for them to offer their services to the highest bidder and their agendas are more and more fuelled by personal greed. It is time to take money out of politics wherever possible and to leave financial dealings to civil servants.

Step one should be to have the political parties publicly funded and to ban all private funding, leaving them to campaign on a level playing field with no outright benefactors.

Step two would be to pay a slightly higher salary which includes a set amount for expenses and do away with the current, easily abused system.

Step three and more importantly…shrink the House of Commons by a third.

I`m no revolutionary and no politician but even I can see that something is very wrong with the present system.

Time for change!

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford