SIR - Work goes on, unceasingly, at the Tory social policy experimental laboratory under Dr Cameron, Nurse Duncan-Smith and Trainee Nurse Pickles, now proposing to cut any benefits paid to obese people.

Yes, why not? Fat people deserve to be poorer than the rest of us.

It’s their fault, they should be cutting down, so shouldn’t need as much money to spend on food.

Give them too much in the way of benefits and they’ll eat this country to the brink of bankruptcy, without a doubt. Better still; give them no benefits at all!

No money means no food; no food equals weight loss; therefore, cut benefits entirely for fat people. QED, sorted!

But how and where can this policy be tested? To make it as scientifically authoritative as a L’Oreal hair commercial, a sample of around 650 well cushioned people, doing who knows what for the tax payers’ remuneration they receive, needs to be found. If by a miracle, some of the sample are found to be fiddling these payments, even better, as the case is stronger.

Now, not including the palace of Westminster, where can we find such a sample? Next week- “Solving back pain, depression and stress-the fiscal way”.

A.Waterhouse, Barmby Road, Bradford