SIR – Now the politicians’ campaign to win your readers’ vote has started – despite people condemning the two Anglican Archbishops for complaining about the way this government is running the country – some readers need to be made aware of something.

The two Archbishops and other Bishops are part of our political and democratic system. It is, therefore, nonsensical to proclaim that the church should keep out of politics.

Their politics is played out in the House of Lords and when making public pronouncements they are simply exercising their democratic right, just as letter-writer Mr Boyes and myself do when our pronouncements are made public in the pages of this newspaper. And we must be proud that our democracy allows church leaders to be involved as we are.

There are millions of people who agree with me that my country is being badly run by this Coalition and the Archbishops have every right to agree with us and say so, without being condemned for it.

Alan Holdsworth, Sandside Close, Parkway, Bradford