SIR - My sympathies for the brutal murders of 17 people in Paris go out to the victims and their families, but I have no sympathy for the right wing politicians such as Ukip and the Tories who are using this tragedy as a means to scapegoat immigrants.

Let’s put the boot on the other foot.

Four years ago 77 people were killed at a Labour youth gathering in Norway, where were the calls for every Christian to distance themselves from the horror?

Where was the condemnation of the rabbi who said a million Arabs are ‘not worth a Jewish finger nail’ when Baruch Goldstein killed 29 Palestinians in Hebron in 1994?

Where was the call for every Jew to say they were horrified by it and help hunt down extremists?

The world leaders who gathered in Paris are hypocrites, they have supported wars that have killed and maimed millions of people throughout the world.

John Appleyard, Firthcliffe Parade, Liversedge