SIR – Although I never had much time for Scotland’s former SNP leader and one time first minister Alex Salmond MSP, when he calls for a constitutional referendum across the UK over the abolition of the House of Lords, including life and hereditary peerages etc, in favour of an elected people’s senate, he has my full and undivided attention.

The House of Lords in its present form is an anachronism in our 21st century supposed parliamentary ‘democracy’, whose demise is long overdue?

The principle of either hereditary peers, or life ones – appointed by political party leaders – often in exchange for personal favours or cash donations to party funds, is outdated, as is any peer becoming a government minister without first being elected to any public office.

It is precisely because we have no proper written constitution in this country that allows a deeply flawed system corruption such as the House of Lords to exist.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds