SIR – I watched the heated debate over firefighters’ pension arrangements in Parliament, live on TV with interest, as although the amended bill fell by around 50 votes, some of the points made by a North East MP showed up what a constitutional mess this country is in: For it seems that there is no problem with retirement age or pensions etc anywhere in the United Kingdom – except England, as the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have reached agreement with the staff and union concerned!

Whether you agree with firefighters demands or not, it appears that ‘devolution’ has created more problems than it was meant to solve, including fuelling nationalist sentiments and demands for ‘independence’.

To any outside observer, it must seem ludicrous that a small country like Great Britain having a House of Commons of 650 members, plus the House of Lords with over 800 members needs another three seats of Government with all the disparity this has introduced.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley, Leeds