SIR – Unlike D S Boyes I do not insult the intelligence of readers who vote in a particular way but try to stick to facts (Letters, December 22).

The 1979 Labour Government of Jim Callaghan lost a vote of confidence due to 11 Scottish Nationalists and 8 Ulster Unionists voting with Liberals and Conservative MPs to cause a general election and make Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister. No complaint then about Scottish and Irish MPs influencing decision-making in the House of Commons.

The late Tony Benn, whom D S Boyes once described as a champagne socialist, even though he didn’t touch alcohol, argued in his book, Letters to my grandchildren, there was an overwhelming case for the House of Commons to become an English Parliament which would legislate on English issues and it was the former Labour MP Tam Dalyell who first raised the Lothian question, so the Tories do not have a monopoly on this view.

The trouble with the Government is that their idea of an English Parliament is to give more powers to London, whilst Labour favours giving powers to the regions, a policy that favours millions rather than a few.

John Appleyard, Firthcliffe Parade, Liversedge