SIR - Thank you to George Bastow for informing readers (T&A, January 15) that Councillor Hawksworth effectively prevented any discussion from taking place with opponents of the destruction of the Odeon by closing the Council meeting one-and-a-half hours early.

How disgusting, how undemocratic, how insensitive and uncaring to the citizens of Bradford who wish to see a full, frank and no-holds-barred debate before, not after, a decision is made on this iconic building.

Is this the same councillor who is imploring the residents of the city to express their views, to make their comments made within a so-called consultation regarding yet another so-called regeneration project?

It is quite obvious that the Council is controlled by an elitist group of individuals drawn from the three main parties who have no interest whatsoever in wishing to listen to other points of view.

It is called democracy.

In conclusion what I do find staggering, however, is that we have in the region of 90 councillors in Bradford who, apart from the Green Party and the BNP, have not said a solitary word.

Why, surely messrs Greenwood, Hopkins and co cannot de-select them as they were elected by the taxpayers of Bradford who expect them to make their views known.

I therefore call upon them to do just that.

E Mills, Wrose Mount, Wrose