SIR - With reference to the letter from Mr R J Lacey (T&A, January 5), I would like to thank him for his kind words of support for our recycling cycles scheme and the suggestion that Bradford Council provides us with bikes from the scrap metal bins at waste sites.

Back in 2005 we wrote to Mr Gerry Mc Dermott, recycling officer, asking if we could have some of the bikes left at Council-owned waste sites. We were invited to several meetings but in the end we were told no' as they had nowhere to store them in between our collecting them.

Since this meeting we have been in contact with another council which is currently considering allowing us to have bikes from their waste sites.

While this may mean our working away from Bradford it does mean that if they say yes' we will have bikes to recycle and pass on to people who need them.

Chris Evans, Crank it Up Cycling for All, PO Box 545, Bradford