SIR - Could I please answer a question posed by Councillor Greenwood (T&A, January 1) concerning my relationship with the ward?

I grew up in Windhill attending Crag Road Junior School and then Salt Grammar and my family still live there.

I took an active interest in the ward when I realised the ward councillors were doing little if anything to improve the area. Here is a list of some' of the their failings: 1) The very near demise of the Wrose Community Association.

2) The proposed closure of the doctor's surgery in Prospect. It needed the intervention of Coun Cooke (Bingley Rural), a petition raised by myself, and the Primary Care Trust to save it from closure.

3) The threatened closure of Wrose Library.

4) The demise of quality education for our children despite Phil Thornton (Lab) being chairman of the Young People and Education Improvement Committee.

5) The threatened loss of the popular Wrose Gala.

I care deeply for the area I was brought up in and don't wish to see any further erosion of its infrastructure.

Please check your address Vanda, I think it's Baildon.

Neil Craig, Wooller Road, Low Moor