SIR - It seems it is Eric Firth who has been brainwashed by the EU (T&A, January 15), I wonder, has he been reading the EU's school information' packs?

He claims packs sent to schools are simply showing children how the EU works. Unfortunately, they are propaganda to condition our next generation to accept EU rule.

The packs put forward arguments against the EU, instruct children how to counter the arguments and conclude the arguments are nonsense.

One argument attempts to convince the child the EU is not anti-democratic by stating the European Parliament is elected and the Council of Ministers represents our governments.

What it fails to mention is the European Parliament is essentially powerless as it cannot table or amend legislation, essentially acting as an administrator.

As for the Council of Ministers, they are appointed by the EU regions (countries) and are therefore not elected. Interestingly, under Sections 406 and 407 of the Education Act 1996, any teachers who fail to present politically controversial subjects like these in a balanced and impartial way will be breaking the law.

In their arrogance has the EU forgotten we still retain some of our own laws?

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury