SIR - Famous travel writer Bill Bryson, so scathing of Bradford and the mistakes of the Sixties, wrote recently that he now felt sorry for a city that was clearly down on its luck.

One of the reasons for the mistakes of the Sixties he cited was a city low on confidence having futuristic ideas thrust upon it. So here we go again. Having scrapped Alsop's Windermere outside City Hall we now have a mirror pool presumably conceived by Budweiser and McDonald's so it can reflect their floating logos?

Plus more models resembling a poor man's Legoland with public demonstrations and councillors proclaiming their "vision", while the consultants and designers collect yet more wads of cash.

What of Broadway? Go to Leeds and you see stacks of cranes, come to Bradford and you have a stack of rubble!

I understand the challenges facing Bradford are much different but you cannot help feel that in Leeds that rubble would have been long gone with buildings going up fast.

So here's a challenge to the legions involved in this chaos. Have a rethink and come up with a workable, achievable and affordable strategy that normal people can engage in and understand.

Steve Wilson, Lenton Villas, Idle