SIR - Having read the latest in the ceaseless flow of letters from Bradford Rail Users' Group (T&A, January 10) on the subject of new railway stations and services, I feel that Alec Suchi, the secretary, ought to look in his files.

If he were to do so he would soon appreciate that all his pleas for new stations at Low Moor, Apperley Bridge and Kirkstall Forge have been answered repeatedly, verbally, in print and in official reports.

All possible assurances have been given that as soon as practical agreement has been reached with other partners - train operators, Department for Transport, etc - we will build and open those stations.

Intricate negotiations are not always as simple as they might appear from the comfort of an armchair. We have done, are doing and will continue to do our utmost to move these vital projects along, as we aim to increase rail patronage still further.

So I ask Mr Suchi to file this letter under "P" (Pipeline, stations in the) and to take "yes" for an answer.

Councillor Stanley King, Chairman, West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Authority, Wellington Street, Leeds