SIR - I would agree with Mr Tasker's assessment that sport may contribute positively to society but remain unconvinced by the alleged benefits of the London Olympics (T&A, January 5).

Preparation for the London Olympics will mean that resources will be diverted from the regions as priority will be given to the capital.

Mr Tasker identifies London cross-rail as an outcome of the Games, but as a consequence, rail enhancement for the regions will be delayed.

In West Yorkshire, Leeds Supertram has been discarded and even station reopenings at Low Moor, Apperley Bridge and Kirkstall are continually delayed.

The redevelopment of derelict sites in London will raise land value and consequently the only people able to live in those areas will be the wealthy and not the underprivileged.

Rather than a city bidding for the Olympic Games it would be better if the country as a whole was involved, ensuring the benefits are thus more evenly distributed rather than concentrated in one location.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Allerton