SIR - A Ali's letter (T&A, January 3) was breathtaking in its arrogance, to say nothing of his ignorance. The Koran says that the country a Muslim settles in from his mother home should become his mother home and his allegiances are to his new home.

Why should the question of religion be brought into the armed forces anyway? Armed men are men all fighting together, with their religions private.

A Ali says justice always prevails, when meaning covertly, we can't win a war against Muslims. Most Muslims don't want war, but also don't agree with the atrocities done by Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

The murder of thousands of Kurds by mustard gas must be justice, by A Ali's standards, seeing how it prevailed.

His comments and views are the very essence of what we are trying to stamp out in the UK.

Camellia Butt, Dick Lane, Bradford