SIR – Reading the letters of Messrs Boyes and Hall (T&A, January 2) and their verbatim rehashing of 2013 gutter press headlines, I am reminded why, as a very young man I felt compelled to join the Labour Party (when it was a Labour Party) What must we do to convince the electorate of this country that the jackals of Fleet Street are little more than opinion-shapers for the Tory party (aka the facilitators to the very wealthy).

Surely most people know by now that these disgraceful organs are simply airing the views of their very rich (foreign and British ex-pat) owners who will use every trick in the book to keep their privileged positions?

Some will recall that at the start of this government’s term there was much talk of ‘savings’ and ‘reductions to the deficit’. The savings have been made and as an outcome £1.2 trillion of your money has been handed over to the banks. The same banks that is, whose corruption and breathtaking greed, caused the biggest global financial crisis in history (and not the last government, as Messrs Boyes, Hall and the gutter press would have you believe)

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford