SIR – I must take issue with Iain Morris (Letters, January 2) when he suggests that this country has a ‘sophisticated electorate’.

Perhaps he has failed to notice that we have in place a government which is openly stealing money from the vast majority (the 99 per cent) and giving it to the banks and speculators (the one per cent) whom, had it not been for Gordon Brown, would have collapsed the economy of this country along with the savings and pension funds of us all. Was it the ‘sophisticated electorate’ of which he speaks that facilitated this?

My point is that I have long suspected there is something in the psyche of certain members of the English working class (working-class Tories of course) that actually seems to like all the forelock tugging and cap-wringing of yesteryear.

They seem to be never happier than when they are (metaphorically) out in the snow with their noses pressed up against the window of the ‘Big House’ Perhaps this would go some way to explain the abiding popularity of class-ridden drivel like Downton Abbey?

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford