SIR - Shipley MP Philip Davies's letter on asylum seekers (T&A, December 6) in response to Coun David Ford's letter defending true asylum seekers, illustrates what is wrong with the debate.

He says David Ford "clings to the view" that the vast majority of asylum seekers "are here because they are fleeing persecution." Excuse me! Isn't that the definition of an asylum seeker?

Mr Davies , pandering to the popular misconception, lumps the bogus asylum seeker with the genuine.

At Halloween I saw a child masquerading as a ghost. I did not call him a "ghost", but a child dressed as a ghost! Likewise bogus asylum seekers are "bogus asylum seeker".

I've previously criticised the MP's abuse of the term "Human Rights". He should know better and indeed may do, but adopts a popular misuse of these terms to win the support of the ill-informed.

He should not be in a position that he is until he adopts a responsible attitude and stops abusing his status as a "representative" of some of the people of Shipley.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon