SIR – The report (T&A, December 2) that Bradford is the worst area in the country for motoring scams, and that three postcodes are in the top five “crash for cash” list of shame, is no surprise to those of us who have to drive through these areas and around the city centre.

The standard of driving is, frankly, appaling, with speeding, lane switching, cutting across traffic, and ignoring road signs being readily apparent on a daily basis.

What is needed is an expanded police stop and search policy in all those areas, coupled with a large increase in unmarked police vehicles to bring these idiots to their senses.

One also has to wonder whether some of the souped-up cars seen, often with illegally noisy exhausts, are either legal or insured at all. At the moment the police are only scratching the surface of this problem, and one hopes that racial sensibilities play no part in this.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon