SIR – In general I congratulate your paper – and the whole of Bradford – on your coverage of last Friday’s and Saturday’s events.

All the same, giving out green ribbons and having the the chance to talk and listen to huge numbers of people of all sizes, shapes and colours, I am left wondering where there is space for real dialogue? A few minutes on a drizzly corner is more than often happens, but it’s not enough. We are right to congratulate ourselves on our handling of the EDL’s visits, but we must not be smug. The EDL’s slogans revolt us, but are based on genuine fear – and ignorance. The fear and ignorance are probably more mutual than we realise.

Bradford badly needs some way of bringing more moderate people from all sides of the argument together, probably starting with the women. It is only when we can see each other as ordinary human beings with similar wants and fears that we can begin to solve our problems together.

Eithne Dodwell, Parkside Avenue, Queensbury