SIR – Well said, John Hargreaves (Letters, October 8). It’s time that lefties stopped falsely attributing the need for foodbanks purely to current Government policies.

Mr Hargreaves explains how most foodbanks work. My socialist friend Max Hey, (Letters, October 9), should take note: people generally can’t just turn up and get food, and recipients of aid probably already have had electricity disconnected.

Foodbanks existed and even grew under Labour. The Prime Minister claims that (much) growth since is due to Job Centres etc directing people to them.

Faith organisations operate many foodbanks. Last Sunday’s Radio 4 religious news show heard from Labour MP Frank Field who explained that those refusing work would not get benefits, but may be given foodbank vouchers. He suggested investigations into why others might need them.

We need a mature debate – why aren’t support systems of family and friends working? During my childhood, friends, neighbours and relatives helped each other though having little themselves. What’s changed? Do we now have a system of welfare dependency?

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon