SIR – Of course Mr Dallas (Letters, October 9) is right to pray for Amanda Hutton as she begins her sentence. He is following in a great tradition that goes back to the story of the prodigal son.

But he really has no business taking a swipe at her neighbours and local shopkeepers. Most folk are generous of heart and willing to help, but equally keen not to step over the thin line into sticking their noses into other people’s business.

Mrs Hutton is responsible for the death of her child. Nobody else. She will spend her 15-year sentence surrounded by folk who are paid to bend over backwards to give her every allowance and every benefit of every doubt, and she may well be out in five.

It is right to pray for Mrs Hutton. But that does not mean she is not accountable for her actions. And it is perverse to express sympathy for her while at the same time criticising others for the much lesser offence of not wanting to be a nosey parker.

We are not our brothers’ keepers.

John Wilson, Wilsons Solicitors, Town Street, Farsley