SIR – I didn’t expect Keith Thompson to respond to my tongue-in-cheek letter about global warming. What amazes me is that although the planet has been responsible for global climate change for millions of years, man has taken over this job in the last two hundred years, and he hasn’t told us about it.

What we are certain about is that man is responsible for polluting the air, land, waterways and oceans and destroying natural habitats and rain forests.

He is also responsible for allowing the population to rise to a figure where we can no longer feed everyone, and are going to allow the population to rise by an extra three billion by the end of this century. Man is responsible for creating these worsening conditions.

He is also capable of reversing the trend, but this would mean making very unpopular decisions. This he refuses to do. The worst thing that happened on the planet was man becoming intelligent. He will eventually destroy the human race and most other creatures.

The planet will always survive, and evolution will start all over again. Hopefully man will not be part of it. Dinosaurs would be far better for the planet.

Keith Rayner, Laburnum Drive, Baildon