SIR - As a pedestrian I fully support your paper's "Be safe not sorry" campaign, more in hope than anticipation of a dramatic fall in the number of accidents, fatalities and injuries which cost an obscene £650 million last year alone in West Yorkshire.

From my own observations in Bradford, I am of the opinion that we have some of the worst drivers.

There are drivers who blatantly ignore traffic light signals and road markings, plus the selfish brigade who obstruct the pavements by parking on surfaces intended for pedestrians.

We have motorists who suffer from selective blindness' when taking shortcuts down one-way streets or using bus lanes.

Last but not least are those who continually flout the law by using their mobile phones while driving.

The car has revolutionised the transport industry over the years, largely for the better of mankind, but there is still a price to be paid by those who refuse to obey the Highway Code, the laws and by-laws of the country. It is time they were brought to book.

Donald Firth, Harrogate Street, Otley Road, Bradford