SIR - I absolutely disagree with fluoride being added to our tap water (T&A, December 6).

Fluoride is a poison to the human body. The liver is unable to break it down, so this poisonous chemical is trapped in the bile which is the only alternative way for the liver to deal with it. This leads to bile duct congestion and numerous other ailments.

Ninety-eight per cent of western Europe has rejected water fluoridation, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

Sixty per cent of drinking water in the USA has added fluoride, hence millions of those people are suffering from underactive thyroids, the most common medical problem in the States.

After exhaustive research on laboratory animals, tumours were found to be the direct result of fluoride ingestion. It also accumulates in the pineal gland and interferes with the production of melatonin hormones which help regulate the onset of puberty.

In humans, fluoride has been found to cause cancer, infertility, arthritis - the list goes on and on.

God forbid, if they do decide to put fluoride in our water, the authorities will have a lot to answer for.

E Kehoe, Currer Street, Barkerend