SIR – I was interested to read in yesterday’s T & A that the Lib Dems are calling for a Trident sub reduction.

Whether you are a pacifist or not, whether you believe that the UK should possess an independent nuclear deterrent or not, no-one seems to ask the fundamental question – who is deterred by the UK possession of a nuclear deterrent?

I would point to the experience of modern Germany or Japan who seem to manage very well without any ‘independent nuclear deterrent’. When you realise how many billions of pounds are spent on acquiring and maintaining this useless weapon, why do we do it?

I think it’s because, like the French, we hanker after the kudos of having our old empire and pretending that we have special power at the ‘international table’.

Why do people have to suffer lower expenditure in schools, medical provision, environmental and social protection for this?

David Somerville, Lilycroft Road, Bradford