SIR – Mr Rhodes sought to pour scorn on the republican stance and even inferred there was something subversive in it (Letters, July 13).

On the contrary, most republicans I know are, like me, open and proud of their commitment to democracy and believe in a freely-elected and accountable head of state.

Monarchists put forward the pomp and ceremony and refer to the ‘tourism factor’ (which can be argued), but they must know they are upholding an undemocratic institution underpinned by the archaic ancient notion of nepotism. In what other area would someone get an important post because of his/her father?

Monarchy is supported by a majority made up of ‘believers’, but mainly those who ‘go along with it’.

This latter group’s views are not unchangeable and could flip to the view any child born in this country regardless of class, creed or colour has the right to expect he/she could occupy the highest position in the land based on merit and the will of the people.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Shipley