SIR - We have heard constantly over recent years about the impact we are making on the environment.

The impact of greenhouse gases we are told are going to be dire and catastrophic, and measures need to be put in place to avoid irreparable damage.

Therefore we should forget about green' taxes and hammering British workers for more money.

We contribute about two per cent towards greenhouse gases, and while we should do our best, a tough stance has to be made by the European Parliament and the British and foreign governments.

I suggest the following - don't trade with any country that has not signed up to the Kyoto agreement.

If these countries wish to trade within the EU and with other countries who have signed the agreement, they will have to either sign up or relocate their businesses to places that have.

It is only measures like this that will have any impact, but I fear it is going to be the British public that suffer twice - by paying more tax and suffering the consequences of others not complying.

David Chapman (Conservative candidate for Eccleshill) Meadowbank Avenue, Allerton