SIR - A few days ago I went to a special birthday celebration for one of my life-long mates.

There were seven football players of the mid-1960s team there and about the same number of lads from the mid-1980s team.

What a difference! All the lads I played with were in excellent physical condition, not one overweight and they only had one or two problems natural to men in their 60s.

However, all the lads in their 30s and 40s were grossly overweight and had problems I did not know existed.

With the present generation's liking for too much drink and junk food, they will be grossly overweight in their 20s.

It's no wonder junior football is so popular in Bradford; senior football will be out of the question.

There is no way that you can cheat your body, it will get its own back as soon as it can.

Gary Lorriman, North Walk, Harden