SIR - I have lived in Bingley since 1975 and also have a retail shop in the town.

Thirty years ago the precinct was bustling with people, now there are days when Bingley is like a ghost town and the majority of people I speak to blame this on the appalling state of the precinct.

Something needs to be done and done fast as the place is deteriorating more and more each day. We cannot wait four to ten years for this to happen.

The amount of new housing in the area over the last few years has produced many shoppers ready to use the town if only there was a decent shopping centre to use.

The town's present traders try very hard to give a good service to the people of Bingley. So come on Halladale, the people of Bingley deserve better and if you cannot do the job that is needed then sell it to someone who can and quick.

Beverley Ford, Shoobox, Chapel Lane, Bingley