SIR - I'm not sure whether or not the presence of some 700 asylum seekers in Bradford is driving people to vote for extremist parties.

But I do know that if we keep allowing these people to be portrayed as "bogus spongers" whose "tinted" faces are spoiling our nice white city - if we don't face down the racists - then we devalue ourselves and our society.

The BNP are not patriots but nasty bigots - the same kind of people who in Germany cheered the attempted extermination of Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals, the same kind of people who, in Alabama, laughed while the Ku Klux Klan lynched innocent black farmers.

Like many people in this city, I'm fed up with the daily indulgence of Muslim extremes, with the in-your-face' dressing up to make a point and with the failure to deal with assaults on other cultures by extremist and racist elements.

Like most I want to see an end to the sexist tyranny of intercontinental forced marriage.

But I'll do this through debate, discussion and argument not by joining with the racists.

Coun Simon Cooke (Con, Bingley Rural) The Nook, Hallowes Park Road, Cullingworth