SIR – Regarding the permits fiasco for Council tips (T&A, March 20), as there is one permit per household, why could they not have been sent out with every Council Tax notice in the first place?

I spoke to two different Council officers last week on receiving my form with the following queries: 1. Council employees who can access our confidential details are vetted as to their character.

Have the facility staff checking our details been vetted?

The answer was: “No.”

2. Will issuing staff just look at our applications and driving licences, or will details be recorded on a database?

The answer was: “Not sure.”

3. A driving licence has to be produced to get the permit, so what about people who have no licence and might want to use the tip?

The answer was: “They can use the permit of the person who drives them there.”

I am not against the permit in principal, but this scheme has been badly thought-out and will lead to a lot of problems for the staff at the sites.

J B Wilson, Duchy Drive, Bradford